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Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day is meant to cherish the work of the teachers. This day is designated in many countries, on 5th of October. In Israel, it was decided to tie the Teacher's Day to the Hanukah holiday, which was held on the 23rd of Kislev.

At the Ben-Gurion School, we have marked as well the teacher's day. At the beginning of the day there was a ceremony that included speeches, dances, giving flowers to the teachers and transferring the school leadership to sixth graders. After the ceremony we the sixth graders gave a lesson to the first and up to the fifth graders on "gratitude and appreciation".

At this time, the teachers indulged themselves in the library that was converted into a cafe and ate and drank their breakfast there. After that the students and teachers returned to normal.

To summarize, that was really great day.

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